

2014年5月25日 星期日

TLIG e-news May 25th, 2014

May 24th, 2014 TLIG e-news

1. Pope and Patriarch Meet In The Holy Land Today
2. New Messages Released For The 1st Time
3. TLIG Radio News May 2014
4. Still Time to Share
5. TLIG Mexico Retreat
6. Christos Anesti!!! Christ is Risen!!!

1. Pope and Patriarch Meet In The Holy Land Today

Pope and Patriarch Apostolic Pilgrimage

On Sunday, May 25, 2014, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope Francis met at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to commemorate a meeting in the Holy Land that took place fifty years ago by their revered predecessors, Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras and Pope Paul VI.  The historic meeting in 1964 marked the beginning of a new era in the relations between the Churches of Rome and Constantinople, and indirectly between Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy as a whole. The significance of that event can only be fully appreciated if placed in the context of a millennium dominated by theological estrangement and mutual mistrust between the two great traditions of the Church.

There is an official website at:  http://www.apostolicpilgrimage.org
All the events of the Pope's visit will be broadcast live and archived  on the Vatican YouTube channel at  http://www.youtube.com/user/vatican 

Events today Sunday:

Grotto of the Nativity   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JFDZPwhx6A

Meeting with Patriarch Bartholomew in the church of the Holy Sepulchre:

May we all continue to pray for Unity,  Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew .

I Do Not Use Your Will Unless You Offer It To Me
The Three Iron Bars - Come Holy Spirit

October 26, 1989

My Vassula, draw three iron bars with a head on the top  these represent the Roman Catholics, the Orthodox and the Protestants; I want them to bend and unite but these iron bars are still very stiff and cannot bend on their own, so I shall have to come to them with My Fire and with the power of My Flame upon them they shall turn soft to bend and mould into one solid iron bar, and My Glory will fill the whole earth;
pray often to the Holy Spirit this prayer:
come Holy Spirit,
come through the powerful intercession
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Beloved Bride;
with this prayer My Holy Spirit will haste and come upon you; pray for the effusion of My Holy Spirit to come upon you;

2 Prayer shown to me.

Anyone Who Is United With Me Takes The Same Road I Had Taken - The Road To Calvary

May 30, 1993

ah Vassula! increase your prayers for Unity, do not be tempted saying that I shall not hear you! your prayers are like a thousand gems in My Eyes, a sweet melody in My Ears; do not be amazed, I have set My Kingdom in your heart and I, your King am reigning over you; I conferred Wisdom to you to advance you, and others too, spiritually; I have been looking for someone to form with My Strength and thrust in the world, as one thrusts a net in the sea, to bring Me souls; frail you are, but I rejoice in your frailty;
listen now: I will melt you all! 19 I will put you all in a melting-pot together, and as a fire stoked underneath the pot, I will melt you all down; My Kingdom20 shall not remain divided, come, we us?

20 The Church on earth.

A Heavenly Church

November 2, 1989

(The Lord is constantly these days showing me the "three iron bars". This time I see them a bright orangey colour, because they seem to be very hot.)
My Vassula, with My Fire and with the power of My Flame, not only will I soften these iron bars, but with My Breath, I shall melt them altogether and form them into one solid bar forever and ever; then you will all reach the fullest knowledge of My Will and My Understanding; this will be My Gift to you, a heavenly Church; It will be radiant with My Glory and your hymns shall be sung around one Single Tabernacle and your land of ghosts shall revive again, transfigured and resurrected;
come, daughter, Wisdom shall instruct you;
I bless you, love Me;

2. New Messages  Released For The 1st Time

All the messages received by Vassula since 2003, but previously unpublished, are being sent out at regular intervals. The newly published messages are being published on the
True Life in God website at: www.tlig.org/en/messages/recent/

April 9, 2004

Holy Friday

My Vassula, I am the Companion of your heart; see? I am taking you with Me by Rivers that sparkle, by glorious pathways where no one is allowed to tread unless they are accompanied by Me… do you know that I am permanently with you? no one, My Vassula, is judged worthy to hear Me or see Me; yet I exposed My Heart to you to show you My Will and that I Am who I Am; I have never failed you, and I am glad that you are conscious of your state, otherwise you would have lost My Heart; all I want from you is love; love for Love; blessed of My Soul, My spiritual gift to you is that you can call Me any time and I shall answer you; even when you find yourself inadequate to express My Words, I will speak for you;
I, My Vassula, have been giving you instructions of Byzantine lectures to reach the highest contemplation, to reach Me... vagueness and rigid formulations are not My ways of teaching, but My theology is based on Truth and divine Love - this is My theology; the Creator watches your feet, and in a state of grace I allow you to walk with Me;
this Noble Ode that so many do not acknowledge now its value, but leaves them adamant will fill the cosmos one day... come, Vassula, remember how I paid for you on the Cross? I love you to folly, you whom I desired from all eternity to bring you forth and share My Cross in unity with Me, your Bridegroom; do not worry on what lies ahead; be happy that I have you by My side and that you are in divine dialogue with Me your God; ic

© Copyright Vassula Rydén, 2014

Click here to read Message of April 12th 2004  - Just released for the first time .

3.  TLIG Radio News May 2014

Dear listeners, you are listening to tlig radio and here is the news for this week.

On May the 3rd, 2014, TLIG Lebanon took part in a one-day youth activity for Christian prayer groups that support Christian Unity. The event took place in a wonderful place in Beirut.  All aged over 15, the young people were divided into groups and participated in certain activities, which related to the Christian Faith. One activity involved learning how to dance like David, glorifying God. Another activity included questions about God, which were discussed by the group. Another activity included meditation on the messages of True Life in God. The young people shared their thoughts on the Christian Faith, sang and prayed for the unification of the dates of Easter.

During the weekend of the 10th and 11th of May, 2014, there was a mini retreat in Greece, hosted by TLIG friends. It took place in a forest area retreat centre that had been founded by the Jesuit Community. About 20 people attended the retreat and the theme was: “The Call of Jesus Christ”.  A Greek Catholic Priest, who is a reader of True Life in God, led the retreat. People meditated on what Jesus is calling for in these days, on what the calling is that we have as Christians and on what the call of Jesus is for each and every soul.  Attendees had the opportunity to pray together, celebrate Masses and to share testimonies with one another. People who attended the retreat also enjoyed country walks in the beautiful weather.

Every Wednesday the holy rosary is transmitted LIVE on the Greek Channel of TLIG radio. From the beginning the program has touched people’s hearts and each week the number of listeners is increasing. Greek people, who are mostly from the Orthodox spirituality, seem to love the rosary and they join the program by writing their intentions to the rosary team on the Greek channel.

2014年5月24日 星期六

我的十字聖架會引領你到聖德 1992年5月29日

你要告訴我的子民,我會很快地到他們那裡去;在那‹日子›這世界的每一個居民將會知道我就是那‹自有者›;你要為那些與你爭論的人祈禱;你要祈禱,並且不要讓你的心譴責他們;你要對我有信心和信靠我;‹愛›在你身旁;那裡有紛爭,你就恢復和平,那裡有憎恨,你就恢復愛,這樣地光榮我;你要在這黑暗的歲月裡倣效我 - 你的上主;你要擁抱我的十字聖架;我的十字聖架會引領你到聖德,以及你在天堂上的居室去;

Video 網頁:

2014年5月16日 星期五

如果你們真正地愛我,我的‹律法›是不會難以遵守 1993年5月18日

我告訴你,你如此地蒙受我愛和這樣地被我的‹父親›寵愛,我 - 納匝肋的耶穌,使你恢復自由,我使你們所有的人都恢復自由;你要讚頌我,以及為那些心仍然遠離我和被這世界吸引的人們祈禱;我鄭重地告訴你們:那些日子已經算定了,而你們一直在等待的那一位會突然間地降臨到你們身上來!所以你們要有所準備… 而且要好像每天都是你們在世上的最後一天這樣地生活;
我曾光榮過我的‹父親›,你不會光榮我嗎?的確,我 - 你們的‹救主›,帶領了你們去跟隨我的‹步伐›1;我告訴你們,誰服事我,就一定要跟隨我到底,誰追尋我就一定會找到生命,聽從我的‹聲音›和我的話語就一定會毫無怨言地忍受種種考驗;如果你們真正地愛我,我的‹律法›是不會難以遵守;愛排除萬難,愛顯而易見,愛耐心忍受,所以你們來,並且什麼都不要拒絕我;你們不要害怕,我的聖心是一個‹愛›的‹淵源›;
耶穌 - 我的‹光›,耶穌 - 我的‹領導者›, 
祢 - 祢附耳低言地向我說出忠告、智慧和安慰, 
而祢成為了 - 
哦,從天堂降來的‹甘甜瑪納› - 
1 耶穌的意思是:在祂家鄉的踪跡。
Video 網頁:

2014年5月12日 星期一



2014年5月11日 星期日



2014年5月7日 星期三


啊… 但願我的這些話語會銘刻在你們的心中,並且又被你們吸收… 我的小孩子們,你們聽我說過:我現在離開,但我的確很快地會與你們同在;我實在地告訴你們,我很快地與你們同在;我說過,在我‹父親›的‹家園›有很多居室;你們每一個人都有一個居室;你們要充滿這些居室,這樣地給你們的靈魂平安和憩息;你們要與我建立‹和平›,這樣地住滿它們;
今天,撒殫正在將牠的憎恨嘔吐在這地球上;牠在牠的忿怒中將國家民族撕裂和推翻,牠破壞和將災害一個接著一個地帶來,但我的‹手›必定會用大能重建牠所撕裂的;我在我‹愛的詩歌›裡錄寫的一切只是我聖言的提醒;那是要恢復你們的記憶力,並且‹手›持聖心告訴你們,我因缺乏愛而渴;我不對任何人懷恨在心;你們所有的人都是我的種子,而我 - 我是你們永恆的‹父親›和‹伴侶›;
我很清楚你們腦海裡想什麼,但我在這裡不是要因你們的行為控告你們;我今天在這裡是要給你們看‹憐憫›和‹柔情密意›是怎樣被人對待;在我的聖心裡,我仍有那矛頭在,同時一個‹茨冠›又圍繞著我的聖心;天堂的梁柱在這情境下都震動,而我所有的天使們在瀕臨死亡的痛苦中遮蓋他們的臉;月亮失色;你們的天主一小時接著一小時地被人們的敗壞和惡意重釘在十字架上;為了救贖你們,有一條‹途徑›用我自己的聖血被劃了出來,而倘若你們的雙腳出軌踏出了正義的‹途徑›,我告訴你們,我長途跋涉到你們這裡來,就是要牽著你們的手,並且引領你們的腳步回到這正義的‹途徑›;你們要將你們的意志獻給我;你們要將你們自己交託給我,並且要讓我把你們建築在我的‹途徑›上的圍牆拆毁 - 它阻止你們與我會面;
1 哀歌3:7。
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