1. Newly Released Message
May 31st 2003
My Vassula, peace to your soul; take these words and engrave them on your heart and mind; I am here! look to yourself... write:
My word was addressed to you to forward it; this was My Command to you; then I placed this precious treasure into your hands; Sovereign Ruler I Am and it is I who decide and counsel, therefore, no creature can come and tell Me when to till My land or not; no creature should advise Me or counsel Me whether I should pasture you Myself or not; no one of you should tell Me what to do; if I feel it is necessary to refresh My priests with rich food and see this generation in so need have their fill of My good things and restore them, I will do so freely; I do not need counsels from the dead; it is written that an unspiritual person is one who does not accept anything of My Spirit: he sees it all as nonsense; it is beyond his understanding because it can only be understood by means of the Spirit; click here to continue reading
2. Share The Newly Released Messages
All the messages received by Vassula since 2003, but previously unpublished, will now be sent out at regular intervals. This Easter week especially we can use of this opportunity to share the messages far and wide and make them more known. To help readers do this, there is a share function on the top of each message.
When you click on SHARE it opens up this list of choices
Imagine if each reader shared a message with 1 new person a week or a month. Imagine if there were thousands of twitter tweets and thousands of facebook pages shared with our networks of family and friends! True Life in God would spread much further and faster in these days, where it is so very much needed.
3. Vassula's Australia Tour May 2014
Vassula is about to undertake a tour in Australia. If you know people there be sure to share this link .
If you are not able to attend a live event more info will be shared about the live streaming, so stay tuned to the e-news.
4. The Resurrection Of Russia? 
Click the image above or here
5. Vladimir Putin and the Church
Many YouTube videos were flying back and forth in recent weeks because of the events in Ukraine everyone is aware of. A new Initiative is being discussed to publish an extract of the prophecies on Russia in the True Life in God Messages. Many years ago, readers of True Life in God sent Mr Putin and the Patriarch of the the Russian Orthodox church the messages. The prophecies on Russia like so much in the messages can and should fill our souls with Hope! Let us continue to always pray for all world leaders that they draw their inspiration from the Living Resurrected Christ!
6. Christos Annesti!
Christos Anessti! Jesus Will Baptise The Earth With Fire
April 23, 1993
(Our Blessed Mother.)
I bless you, My child; Christos anessti!
ecclesia will revive! courage! Satan can put obstacles in your path but I am near you to remove them; when one decides for God one should leave everything to follow Him; all that you do is not in vain;
Vassula, there is a baptism to come and what a great baptism that will be!Jesus will baptise the earth with Fire; until then I shall keep appearing; so now is the time of repentance, now is the time of reconciliation; I tell you, dear children, the sacrifice God asks of you today is to change your lives and live holy;
God is asking every soul to repent; do not say that you are too wretched for God to forgive you, and that the Most High will not be compassionate anymore; God comes to you all, even to the most wretched; return to God and He will return to you; come and make your home in His Heart as He makes His in yours;
let it be known that without earnest prayers you will not be able to see the Kingdom of God; His reign on earth is at hand; remember, what God wants of you is a change of heart; do not be afraid to acknowledge your sins; live and practise the sacrament of confession;
My children, I bless you all;
1 Our Blessed Mother greeted me in Greek, in an Orthodox manner, after Easter. In the Orthodoxy we have as custom after Easter when one meets with another to greet each other by saying "Christ has risen." The other one replies: "He has truly risen!"