

2013年12月23日 星期一

Christmas Inspiration From the TLIG Messages

I Am Love

December 24, 1988

(Christmas Eve)

I am, beloved;

Today is the Eve of Your Birth.
Lord! I rejoice so very much
Beloved One, Holy of Holies!
Praised be our Lord!
O God, dissolve me in Your Holiness
and show me how to live holy.
Dissolve me Eternal One
in Your Purity purifying me.
Beloved One, sanctify us Your children,
and unite us all into one Fold,
glorifying You and praising You around one Tabernacle.
Allow Your Holy Spirit of Truth to descend upon all of us
to show us The Truth.
Let Your Light be our Guide in this obscurity,
and lead us in The Truth,
bringing us all under one shepherd until Your Return.
Lord, COME!

ah beloved soul, I will enfold you all into one Fold and My Own Arms will be your Fence and My Sacred Heart your Home; Love will return as Love; yes, My beloved ones, pray for My Return; I am Love, I am the Supreme Source of Life, so come to Me, your Saviour, come ...

Yes, Lord.