

2015年6月16日 星期二















以下是教宗所說有關福傳和善工的一番話… 願天主降福你們所有的人,而我再次謝謝你們為我祈禱,並謝謝你們那些以恆心為祂的訊息工作的人。


在基督內 華蘇拉
Dear friends of TLIG,

First of all I would like to thank all those who have been doing all of these years the Lord's work just as I am.  We've undergone together many hardships and many times we went through extraordinary pressure and persecution, sometimes even beyond our powers of endurance, but maybe this was a kind of test from God to see who puts his trust in Him, a reminder from God to depend on His power and His Faithfulness and not on ourselves. After all it is the Lord's work, not ours and by Grace we were all called!

I know that all of you have been praying for my mission, and for me and my family and the results have been good through this contribution.  I thank you all for your time spent in prayer.

As you all know, lately I've been in Africa, in the RDC (Congo). The way Christ has opened their heart is amazing!  And more amazing how they did not hesitate to receive our Lord's Messages without doubting.  And more amazing that there was no negative reaction.  However, the devil interfered just a while ago and sent a European priest to bring with him and show the Bishops the negative material putting thus fear inside the Bishops to face their Cardinal.  I believe God allowed this to happen to test their fidelity and their trust in Him.  The devil walked in there to rip off and take away every seed I've planted there in their hearts...  I'm always amazed still with his insistence and how he fights Jesus...

Ange, our friend, sent quickly to them again all the files with the positive material with Cardinal Prospero Grech's letter as well and after that they calmed down, with the material given to them are again in peace.  After all they heard what I said in the meetings, but what that priest had given them was saying that no Catholics should listen to me or give me space to talk, a prohibition.

So please keep praying for Congo to keep secure what they received...

I had written as a bait the HIR book, that took a lot out of me as the devil was interfering constantly to discourage me.  This book was another means of evangelization to reach out to those who would never approach spiritual books.  So far, we have many witnesses who never went to Church or read the Scriptures, or prayed, longing now to search the One Book to read!

Now, with this letter I will also take the opportunity to ask all the countries prayer groups: since when did you have in your town a witness that had passed the tests I once made while living in Rome?  I had asked then to have a witness once a month, so that we get new people through this evangelizing.  I remember a Bishop in Italy telling me, how it was a pity there were not 100 Vassulas to go out and evangelize!  This was to my understanding a message from Jesus and I knew that he wanted more Vassulas to go out and witness and that is why I started those tests in Rome to raise witnesses, so it was not my idea, it came from above.

I know that the French people were very regular for years, bringing in a witness and thus the TLIG messages were really moving and flourishing.  I saw the difference and the good result when they invited me lately in Marseille, then in 4 other places later and again this last time in a small place called Saumur.  The result was that we had many more people coming to the meeting than in the beginning, meaning before they practiced bringing in witnesses every single month.  Forgive me if I omitted to mention another country who did just the same work.

But now, we know the devil's tactics and how he interferes tirelessly in our Lord's work to diminish our fervor, to create all sorts of obstacles, dissension, excuses, and most of the time, excuses for being very busy with other duties, etc. to push back and bury our Lord's Calling.  We notice that in the pilgrimage we have between 600-700 people, not counting the clergy, who come to enjoy the labour of 4 people who prepare the pilgrimage, ready served on a platter.  Many enjoy enormously these pilgrimages, they say they get revived and replenished and then go home, fighting to take pictures that they keep to themselves...   Now, I'm not talking about those who work like bees, but those who do nothing for The Lord and are of those whom I call 'takers' and not 'givers' and they would know who they are...  If you read the messages adding your name instead of my name, because you know that God also speaks to you, then how is it when He says go out and spread My message, you do nothing?

I want to encourage one more time the prayer groups to start working again if they stopped, to spread the messages by inviting a witness or, inviting people to watch a video where I'm giving a speech.  Let this rich banquet of our lord be shared with those who do not know of it.

Again, I'm not speaking to those groups that are indeed active, but to those that are stagnant and unproductive.  You will notice the lack of activity if your prayer group has not expanded and not multiplied elsewhere, but have for years the same people (who are getting older).

Ask The Lord to restore you, refresh you and give you the courage to replenish His work.  And when the time will come to meet Him, you will not feel embarrassed if your hands are empty.

See here below what the Pope says about evangelization and good works...  so may God encourage you all and again thank you for your prayers and thank you, you who work with constancy for His message.
For Pope Francis, missionary activity is the most important objective of the Church, and its renewal depends on the missions. His remarks came during an address to the general assembly of the Pontifical Missionary Societies.

"The evangelizing mission has priority because missionary activity is still the greatest challenge for the Church. I'd like to find words that encourage a more fervent evangelical attitude.”

He also told them that missionary activity has to bring aid and the Gospel together in order to be efficient and credible.  He urged them to resist the tendency to become an NGO and merely distribute aid to impoverished people. The Pope said that money can help a mission, but it can also ruin it.

In Christ, 