分享聖體聖事的恩典,就是與那誕生於童貞瑪利亞的基督的肉軀結成一體,但同時也與教會合而為一 - 教會就是基督的奧體。大家都知道,當一個教友恭敬地領受聖體,並且是懷著信德的話,聖體聖事會賜予我們天主性。我們相信我們會共享到永生;但如果我們不恭領聖體的話,我們會因犯了冒領聖體的罪而受到懲罰。
聖體是到達永生的復活。而那些有永生的人,他們就是上主所說的,祂會在最後一天把他們復活起來。耶穌 - 天主之子,宣揚說,我們在聖體內將會與祂合而為一的奧體,是跟祂那與天父所共享的結合和永生是一樣的。我們藉著聖寵吃祂的肉和喝祂的血,因此我們就與祂結合成為一體,在祂內生活,正如祂在祂的天主性與天父結合成為一體一樣,是同一個方式。
你們應該以心靈的眼睛去看那小白聖體 - 是這樣的謙虛,是從天堂上被祝聖的,而那真正是天主、永生的食糧和飲料。是聖神把麵餅轉變成為上主的聖體,同時又把酒轉變成為我們上主的聖血,因此是整個地被神性化了。
所以,上主將祂自己毫無保留地給予我們,同時又聖化我們,替我們為永生做好準備,用永恆不滅的生命之光來包圍我們,並且要我們變得熱心去朝拜祂。基督是臨在於聖體聖事內的,當我們領受聖體聖事的時候,基督是在祂的兩個本性 - 天主性和人性中臨在。所以,那些經常領聖體的人是有福的,因為他們每天用基督來餵養自己。那無形無體的天主變成了有形有體的了,那不能捉摸的天主變得能被捉摸了。
這是上主在「主內真生命」訊息裡所說的關於聖體聖事的話:「為了要拯救在世上所有那些領受我的謙卑的人,並且為了要賜給他們永垂不朽的生命,我變成了麵餅來將我自己贈送給你們。透過這聖體,我聖化所有那些領受我的人們,為的是要他們成為我‹肉›中之肉,‹骨›中之骨。你們透過領受我 - 我是神聖的 - 你們與我變成一體,在精神上合而為一。我們成為親人了,因為透過你們的參與,我能轉變你們成為神… 我藉著我的天主性來把人神性化。」(2000.10.16)
我們的主耶穌要求我們所有的人來朝拜在聖體聖事內的祂。如果你說:「我沒有時間。」或「是真的有需要嗎?」這就如同你對你最好的朋友說:「我不會有時間來探訪你和來看你的。」如果你說:「真的有要我來探訪你嗎?」你會得罪你的朋友,而且是深深的冒犯了他。那將會是如此的嚴重 - 你的朋友不只是會被傷害而已,並且他會開始以為你不再想與他在一起了。跟我們的上主也是一樣的。
在聖經裡,那批最先跪下來朝拜耶穌的人,是那些牧童和那三個賢士 - 長途跋涉地從他們的國家遠來向基督致敬。
The Holy Eucharist
A reflection by Vassula
"My Eucharist is given less and less importance" (October 16, 2000)
To partake the Eucharistic gifts is to be incorporated into the Body of Christ, born of the Virgin, as well as into the Church which is also His Body. It is known that when one receives the Eucharist worthily and with faith, the Eucharist bestows divinity upon us. We believe that we partake of eternal life, if we do not eat unworthily and to our condemnation.
Christ in giving himself to us in Communion, gives us His own flesh and bones. This is indeed what He gives us to eat. Therefore, through communion He makes us one with Himself. Our Lord deifies us because we are embodied in Him: flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bones.
Communion is resurrection to eternal life. And the ones who have eternal life are those whom the Lord says He will raise again on the last day. Jesus, the son of God, clearly proclaims that the unity which we shall have with Him in Communion is like the union and the life which He shares with His Father. According to grace, when we eat His flesh and drink His blood, in the same way as He is united by nature to his Father, so are we united to Him and we live in Him.
The Lord had said. "I am the bread that comes down from heaven". He did not say "has come down" for that would mean coming down only once. What does He say? He says, "that comes down" signifying that which always and unceasingly descends into those who are worthy of it, that which is offered every hour, even now.
You should see with the eye of the mind that this little host, so modest, is divinised from heaven, and that it is truly God, the bread and drink of immortal life. It is the Holy Spirit that transforms the bread into the Body of the Lord and the wine into the Blood of our Lord, therefore divinised entirely.
So the Lord gives Himself to us unsparingly, sanctifying us and preparing us for eternal life, enshrouding us with the radiance of immortality and making us fervent to adore Him. Christ is present in the Eucharistic gifts and in the partaking of them, in this two natures, divine and human. Therefore those who receive often communion are blessed because they are nourished with Christ each day. The invisible God becomes visible, the ungraspable God becomes graspable.
In the messages of TLIG this is what our Lord says about the Eucharist:
"to save all the humble of the earth who receive Me and to give them imperishable life I became bread to give Myself to you. Through this communion I sanctify all who receive me, deifying them to become the flesh of My flesh, the bone of my Bones. By partaking Me, I who am divine, you and I become one single body, spiritually united. We become kin, for I can turn you into gods by participation... Through My Divinity, I deify man" (October 16, 2000)
Our Lord Jesus asks us all to come and adore Him in the Blessed Sacrament. If you say: "I don’t have time" or, "Is it really necessary?" It is like you say to your best friend, "I do not have time to ever visit you and see you". Your friend will be offended and will be even more offended if you say: "Is it really necessary that I visit you?" It will be so bad, that your friend will not only get hurt but will start to believe you are not any more interested to be together. This is the same with our Lord.
In Scriptures the first who adored Jesus, falling on their knees were the shepherds and in the three wise men. They came all the way from their countries to pay Christ homage.
In Gethsemane, when He was praying to the Father in agony, He needed company from His disciples, and asked them to keep awake and pray. But as you know, sleep took the better of them and Jesus complained to Peter telling him: "So you had not the strength to keep awake with me one hour?"
The world today, our Lord says, is living as if there is no God, and the apostasy has spread more than ever before, for the work is paying no attention to God’s law of precepts. The world refuses to give glory to God and instead glorifies itself, playing God. People give ore of their time on earthly indulgences than being with God and accepting His love. We are living in times where good is transformed into evil. We are living in times when the world has grown icy cold in the Love of God but gives itself entirely for godlessness, and materialism turning everything that is material into a god.
Jesus truly abides in the Tabernacle constantly. You say you love Jesus? Then prove your love by your visit at the time of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Show your love to Him by your presence, even if you say nothing and remain silent. Jesus appreciates everything; He appreciates your presence and in return He draws you into His Sacred Heart, into His sweet embrace to learn to love Him in an intimate way.
"Please Me and change your lives. Happy the man who meditates on what I am offering him today and studies his heart and examines his soul, for I shall raise him. Happy are those who come to Me like the publican admitting his guilt, for in these hearts My Word shall take root and prosper. I shall then unveil their eyes that they may see and understand with their heart that all that I need is Love. Love and Adoration...all I ask beloved ones is love in holiness. I am in search of your heart.... Love is waiting, come and adore Me..." (June 1, 1989 )