

2014年1月24日 星期五


On December 23, 2013, Deputy Nabil Nicolas, a successful businessman and politician in Lebanon, visited the Lebanese Beth Myriam  where he put on an apron and helped prepare food for more than 100 people in need. Together with the volunteers he cooked a special Lebanese dish whose basic ingredients are meat and rice; The Christian Channel Telelumiere, covered the event.  
After the preparation of food TLIG volunteers with Deputy Nabil Nicolas visited the homes of some needy people and listened to their problems.  The plight of these people was explained to the Deputy by the TLiG volunteers. As a result, Mr Nicolas kindly offered support for the Beth Myriam in Lebanon and to some of those who look to our volunteers for care. At Christmas he provided a new medical bed for a paralytic; medicines for a young boy who suffers from cancer and is going through chemotherapy; and for an old lady, her home was renovated to provide a new bathroom where she had previously been without one.  In addition to this, the Scouts from Bkennaya (the town next to the Lebanese Beth Myriam) were so touched by the humanitarian work done by those working in this ministry that they offered to TLIG volunteers their time and manual labour to renovate the Beth Myriam itself. 
And now dear listeners, we give you the dates for Vassula's Upcoming Meetings in Europe:
On both January 16 and 17 2014 she will witness in Barcelona, Spain.
From January 22 to January 25, 2014 there will be a TLIG International Ecumenical. Retreat organized by TLIG Spain in Fatima in Portugal.
On February 1, 2014 Vassula is going to give a talk in Banneux, Belgium. This talk will be given in French.
On February 2, 2014 she is going to testify in Hilversum, Netherlands.  This talk will be given in English with Dutch translation.
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