

2014年1月31日 星期五



2014年1月在Cardinal Prosper Grech被推薦於VATICAN MAGAZINE。

2014年1月25日 星期六

為你的司鐸們祈禱 1992年2月18日

你們要洗淨你們的心,而上天便會光照你們;我從上面俯瞰觀察著你們-‹傳統›的‹城邑›,你們有遵守我‹初期教會›的‹律法›規定要緊守的那些宗教儀式,但你們卻被心高氣傲盲目了,並且對我的‹律法›一些更重要的事情很少注意到,或者根本就不注意 -‹慈悲›!‹愛›!‹謙遜›!
我的悲傷巨大,而且由於我等待你們去尋求我聖神那些更重大的恩賜,我在心裡哀鳴;我厭倦看到你們不屬靈地宣講一些屬靈的事情;假使他們有明白到我聖神那些重大事件的深度,今天他們也會接受我聖神的恩賜;可是,你們在你們內保存著的驕傲卻不斷地在傷害我;我把成千上萬的人靈交託了給你們,要你們溫柔地去教導他們和幫助他們,同時把他們帶到我的聖心裡,提醒他們我的‹柔情密意›的‹愛›和我對他們巨大的渴望,但你們卻言之過早地對他們下判斷,並且把一些難以負荷的重擔 - 你們自己都不肯用一根指頭動一下的重擔,放在他們身上!在我的時代,我就是那塊絆腳石,而今天,對很多我的司鐸人靈來說,我的聖神再次地是那塊絆腳石;我現在告訴你們,上主的‹雙眼›,並不只是轉向那些正義和有德行的人,我的‹雙眼›也轉向那些卑賤和你們稱為不配的人;天上的星辰很快地會墜落在地上,而天上的掌權者將會搖動,但你們卻仍然沒察覺;這地球很快地將會消失,而那新天和新地將會降臨到你們身上,但你們卻仍然會從我的聖神那裡跑掉;不過,假如今天你們自我貶抑和誠心誠意地承認你們是罪人,而且是不配的,我便會拿走那在你們國家上空盤旋的怠惰精神!
1 東正教司鐸們。
2 東正教司鐸們。
3 那些被我們上主訊息新皈依的希臘年輕人。
4 參看默示錄3:3。
5 參看瑪竇福音21:43。
6 參看羅馬書11:5-6。
Video 網頁:

2014年1月24日 星期五

我的憤怒與我的寬恕是同樣地有力 1993年2月22日

我的憐憫是浩大的,但我的嚴厲也一樣大;我的憤怒與我的寬恕是同樣地有力;我的那些殿宇2現在與奸商們有一共同之處;他們用我的聖潔交換了一個給撒殫的貢物!我是在說那些背了教的,而且又允許一個‹謊言›掛在他們的嘴唇上的人,而現在他們打算要強迫每一個人被那‹謊言›烙印,而我現在厭倦忍受他們;正直的行為曾經在我的‹家園›裡存在過,因為我的‹律法›是他們的每日用糧,但你看,我的‹家園›現今變成了一片荒涼、一個給蜴蜥和蜘蛛的洞穴!啊… 但我會消除這一切;在我內,我的聖心破碎,我的孩子,我的天使們畏懼和因我保留的那‹時辰›而顫抖 - 當我的命令一旦頒布便會暴發;我無法再忍心看到,每當我的聖子再次被人重釘時,你們聖母媽媽的‹眼淚›一次再次地流下;你們這個時代的人的罪惡每一時刻都在帶我的聖子上加爾瓦略山去;
1 參看耶肋米亞先知書10:24。
2 我明白的是:人們的靈魂。
3 意思是:不選擇天主的平安,而寧可選擇天主的懲罰去進入一個新的時代。
4 參看致希伯來書1:11、默示錄21:1、4。
5 參看致希伯來書1:11、默示錄21:1、4。
Video 網頁:

我的慈悲浩大,但我的嚴厲也一樣大 1993年2月19日

你聽著:你要告訴他們,慈悲和憤怒同樣都屬於我 - 我是大能的,去寬恕和發洩我的憤怒;我的慈悲浩大,但我的嚴厲也一樣大;
你看,女兒,我很快地也會彰顯我的‹正義›;我的計劃有一個指定的時刻;我慈悲的召叫也有一個指定的時刻;一當這‹慈悲›的時刻過了之後,我會向每一個人 - 好的跟壞的顯示我的嚴厲與我的‹慈悲›一樣大,而我的憤怒是與我的寬恕一樣強而有力;所有被我預言過的事情,現在很快就會發生;沒有什麼可以從中減少;
1 意思是他們無能為力。
2 若望保祿二世。
3 參看前一個訊息。
4 1990年9月12日、1991年6月2日、1991年6月6日、1991年6月27日、1991年7月16日。
Video 網頁:


On December 23, 2013, Deputy Nabil Nicolas, a successful businessman and politician in Lebanon, visited the Lebanese Beth Myriam  where he put on an apron and helped prepare food for more than 100 people in need. Together with the volunteers he cooked a special Lebanese dish whose basic ingredients are meat and rice; The Christian Channel Telelumiere, covered the event.  
After the preparation of food TLIG volunteers with Deputy Nabil Nicolas visited the homes of some needy people and listened to their problems.  The plight of these people was explained to the Deputy by the TLiG volunteers. As a result, Mr Nicolas kindly offered support for the Beth Myriam in Lebanon and to some of those who look to our volunteers for care. At Christmas he provided a new medical bed for a paralytic; medicines for a young boy who suffers from cancer and is going through chemotherapy; and for an old lady, her home was renovated to provide a new bathroom where she had previously been without one.  In addition to this, the Scouts from Bkennaya (the town next to the Lebanese Beth Myriam) were so touched by the humanitarian work done by those working in this ministry that they offered to TLIG volunteers their time and manual labour to renovate the Beth Myriam itself. 
And now dear listeners, we give you the dates for Vassula's Upcoming Meetings in Europe:
On both January 16 and 17 2014 she will witness in Barcelona, Spain.
From January 22 to January 25, 2014 there will be a TLIG International Ecumenical. Retreat organized by TLIG Spain in Fatima in Portugal.
On February 1, 2014 Vassula is going to give a talk in Banneux, Belgium. This talk will be given in French.
On February 2, 2014 she is going to testify in Hilversum, Netherlands.  This talk will be given in English with Dutch translation.
Video 網頁:

2014年1月21日 星期二

合一將會是在心中的 1992年10月14日


Video 網頁:

2014年1月20日 星期一

TLIG e-news Jan 20th, 2014

January 20th, 2014 TLIG e-news

1. A New Message from God The Father 
2. Christian Unity Week News
3. News From Beth Myriam Lebanon ( TLIG Radio )
4. Upcoming Meetings in Europe

1. A New Message from God The Father

Message of January 14, 2014

How can I repay you for all You've done for me?

flower,  as God's beloved daughter, I enabled you to grow in Me so that I live in your heart and mature you in Me! This was to show this generation and for future generations to come My Goodness and Mercy, how extraordinary rich I am in Grace.

let Your generosity extend to all the living, I could say much more and still fall short!

be like a fire, blazing with love for my people, daughter, I will give you sufficient strength to glorify Me; My Work is not finished in you, I still have musical melodies to set in My Messages for this generation, prophetic sayings and Byzantine lectures; 

You are the heiress of these Messages so no one has the right to discard you; I tell you, those who prophesy against you will have their share of Justice in My Courts; if they do not listen and pay attention to the words of My prophets whom I have never tired of sending you, I shall treat them severely and as they deserve! My Words, Vassula, are to be taken seriously by those who fabricate falsehood! Their teeth are spears and arrows, their tongue a sharp sword! My Vassula, I have seen how ungraciously some of them treat you forgetting that in the presence of My Angels, I God sang to you, anointed you and formed you; I have embroidered your soul with Wisdom and Instruction to look after My Interests; blessed is he who listens to Me;

Gather My faithful, daughter, and all what you have penned with Me allow My Words to be known! See? The time has come to reveal My Words; come, I love you, daughter, love Me and carry on declaring My Words to all nations - Yahweh is My Name; I God, will never fail you;

2.Christian Unity Week News

Pope Francis will travel to the Holy Land in May 2014 on a “pilgrimage of prayer” to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the historic meeting on January 5 that took place between Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras. The Pontiff will meet in an ecumenical gathering with representatives of all the Christian churches in Jerusalem, together with Patriarch Bartolomaios of Constantinople, at the Holy Sepulchre. See:http://www.news.va/en/news/following-the-steps-of-paul-vi-to-the-holy-land
This spirit of unity in diversity will be experienced worldwide as Christians celebrate the Feast of Easter on the same date—April 20—in 2014!
Most years, Christians celebrate Easter—Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection and the most important mystery of the Christian Faith—on different dates. The OneDate for Easter group believes that uniting the date of Easter will be a significant step towards Christian Peace and Unity.

Throughout the year but especially during this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 18-25 in the Northern Hemisphere between the feasts of St. Peter and St. Paul, the OneDate for Easter group appeals to the laity to pray for full unity, which is Christ’s Will, and to sign the OneDate for Easter Petition.
Clergy from different denominations have also endorsed the OneDate for Easter Petition, which can be viewed at http://www.onedate.org/endorsements.php.

While you can sign the Petition only once, please encourage your family and friends via Twitter to sign the Petition for One Easter Date online at: www.onedate.org/sign-the-petition.php. Help spread awareness of the Petition on Facebook by linking to this page or sharing it.
Petition Kits are also available for gathering signatures in church parishes and the community. The signatures can then be added to the website at a later date. Anyone requiring assistance in adding the paper signatures to the website can contactunity@onedate.org.

Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants have joined together in unity in diversity to gather 1 million signatures on the OneDate for Easter Petition at www.onedate.org to His Holiness Pope Francis, and to all leaders of the Christian churches.

“The laity derive the right and duty with respect to the apostolate from their union with Christ their Head. Incorporated into Christ’s Mystical Body through baptism and strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit through confirmation, they are assigned to the apostolate by the Lord himself.”(Paragraph 3, Apostolate of the Laity, Second Vatican Council)

Christ said:

“I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word, that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” (Jn 17:20-21 RSV)

 Christians worldwide: over 2 billion

 Target of OneDate Petition: 1 million signatures

 OneDate site: gathered over 27,635 signatures

You are being asked to reach out to the over 2 billion Christians in the world through your prayers, and by gathering signatures for the celebration of Easter—on one common date—and to bring full unity to the one Church that Jesus established 2,000 years ago, and heal the wounds caused to Christ’s heart in a mystical way through this division.

“I appeal to you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree and that there be no dissensions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.” (1 Cor 1:10 RVS)

In recognition of your generous efforts, we thank you.

In Christ,


Download the Petition Kit

Facebook Page

3. News From Beth Myriam Lebanon

Dear listeners, you are listening to TLIG radio and here is the news for this week.

On December 23, 2013, Deputy Nabil Nicolas, a successful businessman and politician in Lebanon, visited the Lebanese Beth Myriam  where he put on an apron and helped prepare food for more than 100 people in need. Together with the volunteers he cooked a special Lebanese dish whose basic ingredients are meat and rice; The Christian Channel Telelumiere, covered the event.  
After the preparation of food TLIG volunteers with Deputy Nabil Nicolas visited the homes of some needy people and listened to their problems.  The plight of these people was explained to the Deputy by the TLiG volunteers. As a result, Mr Nicolas kindly offered support for the Beth Myriam in Lebanon and to some of those who look to our volunteers for care. At Christmas he provided a new medical bed for a paralytic; medicines for a young boy who suffers from cancer and is going through chemotherapy; and for an old lady, her home was renovated to provide a new bathroom where she had previously been without one.  In addition to this, the Scouts from Bkennaya (the town next to the Lebanese Beth Myriam) were so touched by the humanitarian work done by those working in this ministry that they offered to TLIG volunteers their time and manual labour to renovate the Beth Myriam itself.

4. Upcoming Meetings in Europe

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Time: 00:00

TLIG International Ecumenical  Retreat organized by TLIG Spain
Time: from Jan.22 at 5:30 pm. to Jan. 25 after breakfast
Venue: Hotel Cinquentenário
Address: Rua Francisco Marto, 175, Fatima (Portugal)


Pilar de Oriol
Calle Ancha, 2
10003 Cáceres, Spain
Tel/fax: +34 927 244 387
Mob: +34 619 208 919
Email: ptarruella@hotmail.com

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Banneux, BELGIUM
Time: 10:00
57 rue de l Esplanade
4140 Sprimont - (Banneux-Notre-Dame)
Contacts: Tél. +32 (010) 65 62 42  &  +32 (0) 9 368 25 50
* Talk will be given in French 
10:00 Rosary
11:00 Mass
14:00 Talk by Vassula

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Time: 14:00
Location: Theater Gooiland  http://www.gooiland.nl
Address: Emmastraat 2 in Hilversum
Special theater entrance: Luitgardeweg
Contact person: R. Cano  + 31 615612690
Talk will be given in English with Dutch translation
