

2013年12月31日 星期二



這是耶穌的降福 (TLIG 1994.6.10 )

2013年12月25日 星期三



一個越來越小的世界中,不同宗教信徒間的對話和友誼也越來越重要。教宗的講話從上述思想出發,指出宗教對話是呼喚我們基督信徒良知的現實和挑戰。教宗也痛 苦地指出世界上和睦共處所遇到的困難。教宗說:在文化和宗教差異上往往加上政治或經濟因素,挑起過去的互不瞭解和過失:這一切會引起互不信任和恐懼。為 克服恐懼只有一條路可走,即表明友誼和尊重的對話及相遇。

在與他人相遇時,並不表示放棄自己的身份認同,也不是在基督信仰和道德觀上 妥協讓步。教宗闡明:正因為如此,宗教對話與福傳不但不彼此排斥,反而相互激勵。我們不強迫什麼,不用任何計謀來吸引信徒,而是喜悅、坦率地見證我們 所信的及我們的身份。實際上,若每個人在相遇中將他所相信的擱置一旁,裝作放棄他最珍貴的東西,那麼一定不會有真實的關係。在這種情況下,可說是一種不真 誠的友愛。


宗提到正在流傳的一種思想,這種思想認為,只有隱瞞自己的宗教,在一個中性空間與人相遇,和睦共處才有可能。為此,教宗表示:無法想像一種實驗室內的友 誼。友誼需要在尊重他人信念的情況下實現,即使他是無信仰的人,但是我們必須有勇氣和耐心保持自己的本色,與他人會晤。未來取決於是否有尊重差異的共處, 而非一律都是理論上中立的思想。因此,不可撇開不談在所有幅度上承認宗教自由的基本權利。

2013年12月23日 星期一

你要對我忠心 1994年12月24日


1 參看默示錄6:7、11:6、13:12、15:12、16:2、16:11。
2 那神視:我看到我自己被那隻‹獸›的跟隨者抓住。他們拿了我十字架的戒子,走開了一陣子,然後帶著它回來。他們把它還給我。當我拿著它的時候,我知道他們褻瀆了那戒子。接著,他們陪我到門口送我走,但當我經過他們的大廳時,那裡在牆上有那隻‹獸›的標誌,(就像我們有十字架一樣)。我作了一個快的決定;當我在附近看到一個類似投石器的東西,我便抓住它,而且用盡力打擊了標誌的眼(中心),毀壞了它,連同在它內的一切邪惡力量。在作那決定時,我知道我會賠上命。但我想那是值得的,只要我也毀滅了他們的勢力。當我一打碎了那標誌,那些陪我到門口的人-那隻‹獸›的隨同,便因顫慄和發抖。而我那時明白,毀滅了他們的‹標誌›,他們也被消滅掉,而且不能傷害我。
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Christmas Inspiration From the TLIG Messages

I Am Love

December 24, 1988

(Christmas Eve)

I am, beloved;

Today is the Eve of Your Birth.
Lord! I rejoice so very much
Beloved One, Holy of Holies!
Praised be our Lord!
O God, dissolve me in Your Holiness
and show me how to live holy.
Dissolve me Eternal One
in Your Purity purifying me.
Beloved One, sanctify us Your children,
and unite us all into one Fold,
glorifying You and praising You around one Tabernacle.
Allow Your Holy Spirit of Truth to descend upon all of us
to show us The Truth.
Let Your Light be our Guide in this obscurity,
and lead us in The Truth,
bringing us all under one shepherd until Your Return.
Lord, COME!

ah beloved soul, I will enfold you all into one Fold and My Own Arms will be your Fence and My Sacred Heart your Home; Love will return as Love; yes, My beloved ones, pray for My Return; I am Love, I am the Supreme Source of Life, so come to Me, your Saviour, come ...

Yes, Lord.

News 2013 Annual review

News 2013 Annual review
Dear listeners, we wish you a happy and holy Christmas and a blessed new year!

In January 2013: Vassula’s new book “Heaven Is Real But So Is Hell” became #1 bestseller in Mysticism, Christian Orthodoxy and Prophecy on Amazon.
Also Dawn completed the recording of all the TLIG messages in English for TLIG radio. May God bless Dawn for her service.

In February 2013: We brought you news of witnessing meetings in Croatia, and Ireland where the Messages were also taken into Loughan House open prison in County Cavan. 
In March 2013: Vassula’s new book hit No. 1 best seller at Barnes & Noble books in USA.On March 30th Heaven is real but so is Hell was presented in a bookstore in Athens.

In April 2013:  There was news about some of the 32 Beth Myriams or Houses of Mary which have been set up around the world to help feed the poor and needy.
We heard from the Beth Myriams in Cairo in Egypt, Beirut in Lebanon, and from the three Beth Myriams in Nepal including Kathmandu and Surket.  The volunteers in these places serve regular hot meals and snacks and in some Beth Myriams they also provide education, medicine, clothing, shelter and training for victims of trafficking or abuse.

In May 2013: Three witnesses, one from each of the Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant traditions talked together in a special event in Canada on unity of the Churches.
Also in May, two TLIG witnesses visited the northwest of Peru to spread the messages of True life in God. During a period of three days they gave more than 18 talks in meetings, on radio programs and even in private houses.

In June 2013:  We brought you more news about the Beth Myriam in Lebanon where more than 125 meals are served to poor and needy people every Saturday.  
Also in June we reported on a TLIG witness talk in Berlin, Germany.

In July 2013:  The Beth Myriam in Tokyo, Japan, confirming that they frequently offer hot food to about 90-95 needy people on a regular basis.

In August 2013: the 9th Ecumenical Pilgrimage of True Life in God took place in the Holy Land between August 25 and September 2. About 750 people gathered from 60
different countries and 20 different denominations. Among them were over
100 clergy. All the pilgrims united as one under God’s Holy name, prayed,
worshiped and praised the Lord, just like in the Primitive Church that Jesus Christ
left us.

In September 2013: Jesus Christ gave a new message to Vassula which can be accessed through the library or by clicking here 
Later the Danish Association showed the DVD of “Prophesies and warnings” at a well-attended public meeting.

Also in September we received a report from the Beth Myriam in Monterrey Mexico, describing how volunteers are offering hot food to around 300 people three times a week and that since they started this work they have served more than 350,000 meals in this Beth Myriam.

In October 2013:  we reported on witnessing meetings in Ontario, Canada and in the Faeroe Islands.  The latter meeting was filmed for a local Christian TV channel.

In November 2013 we announced the death of SALLY PEREIRA who ran the Beth Myriam in Mumbai, India where along with other TLIG volunteers she served food to around 200 slum children every Wednesday.  May Sally rest in peace.
Also in November we reported on a big event in the Alex Theatre in California USA, where Vassula spoke to a packed house on the theme: “Tender Abba” as part of the celebration for the 28th anniversary of True Life in God. 
At this time there were also two talks in Germany on the theme: Love, Prayer and Unity of the churches.

In December 2013: we reported how the Greek Association of TLIG celebrated the 28th Anniversary of the True Life in God Messages. There was a meeting in Athens, Greece which was broadcast live on the Greek channel of TLIG radio. 
We also brought you news that True Life in God Radio now runs 12 channels and that more than 18,000 Messages, prayers and homilies were downloaded from the TLIG radio library during November.
Dear listeners, thank you for listening to the  the annual review of the news in 2013 based on TLIG events. Once again we thank God for all He is doing in our times, and we wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas!


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