

2013年10月16日 星期三


教宗若望保祿一九九六年八月十一日,唸完三鐘經後,向群眾訓導說天主教徒與東正教徒要盡快修和。在場被邀請參加聽他的講座中有一團「主內真生命」同禱會。當 教宗向群眾賜予宗徒祝福時,他特別指出這團體﹕「我熱烈歡迎在場說西班牙語的人們,尤其是「主內真生命」的靈修團體。」(羅馬觀察報)


這是納琵爾樞機主教(Wildrid Napier)關於華蘇拉麗敦女士的信息。華蘇拉最近拜訪了南非德班(Durban),並在市政府大廳對廣大的信友發表談話。樞機主教的信息刊登在德班總教區20096月第464期的通訊裡。
五月份時,華蘇拉麗敦女士拜訪了我們的國家,並在德班向一些信友團體發表談話。由於下列幾個被問及的關於她個人的問題:她是否真的領受啟示?她是以一個東正 教徒的身分來寫作嗎?對於天主教會和她自出生便加入的希臘東正教會,她的立場各是如何?我邀請她至公署餐敘。在對談中,我們清楚的知道,她的呼召──作為被耶穌使用的發言人,是在很不尋常的情況下發生的,然而更引人關注的是她和天主教會之間的關係。1995年,羅馬教廷對於華蘇拉出版的啟示之真實性,持高度懷疑的態度,這表現在19951025日 發表的關於華蘇拉麗敦女士之寫作的通告裡。  
在一封2004716日 的書信中,當時的信理部部長拉辛格樞機主教提到,應華蘇拉女士的要求,信理部曾作過徹底的調查。在調查和對話結束之後,麗敦女士在200244日 發表了一封書信。在裡面,對於她自己的婚姻情形,和前述之通告中有關她的寫作和參與聖事之異議,都提出了有用的澄清。  

Pope John Paul II
"May God bless her"
The following is an account of a private meeting with Pope John Paul II on February 14, 1998.

The Pope 
 The Pope can be seen reading Vassula's dedication, written on the first page of a volume of True Life in God messages.

Together with two friends, Anu and Abhay George, originating from Kerala in India, but presently living in Denmark, I, Niels Christian Hvidt, had the opportunity to participate in the mass of the Holy Father in his Private Chapel. It was the 10th of February 1998.
Ten priests were concelebrating with the Holy Father, and altogether we were a number of 23 lay-people present. After a very beautiful and austere mass the Holy Father received us in the Audience-Hall close to the Private Chapel, distributing Rosaries and blessing and greeting each of us. About five people had brought gifts to the Holy Father.
I had with me the 10th Volume of True Life in God in French. Some months before, Vassula had dedicated it to the Holy Father and given the book to me. Inside, on the first page it said:
Pour le Saint Pere Jean-Paul II.
Que Dieu vous benisse et vous protege,
To the Holy Father John Paul II.
May God bless you and protect you,
When he came to me, I had the book in my hand. Having received the Rosary and kissed his hand, I said in German: "I have brought a very important book for you. It is the book of Vassula." The Holy Father, with interest replied "Ah! Vassula!" Also Mons. Stanislaw Dziwizs, for decades the personal Secretary of the Pope and three days before this audience appointed a bishop, with interest said: "Vassula!" Both clearly recognised her name.
I then went on to say: "She has dedicated it for you". With sincere and warm interest the Pope looked at the book, opened it and saw Vassula's greeting and then said "Gott segne sie": "May God bless her". He made the sign of the Cross over the book. Then he handed it on to Mons. Mietec, who collects the gifts, that the Holy Father may take a look at them after the audience.
Before he passed on to the next person of the group, I said to him: "We pray very much for you, Holy Father", to which he replied "Thank you!"
Niels Christian Hvidt

The following quote of Pope John Paul II, given at a special general audience at Castelgandolfo, is taken from the Spanish language edition of L'Osservatore Romano, dated the 16th August 1996.
(This Apostolic blessing came, of course, 9 months
 after the Notification)
"I cordially salute the persons of the Spanish language present here, especially the religious of the Congregation of 'Saint Teresa of Jesus' and THE SPIRITUAL GROUPS OF 'TRUE LIFE IN GOD'. I wish to all of them a spiritual summer which will help them to reaffirm their Christian promise so that their generous answer to God can be the witness to His love in the world. I give you, with affection and to your loved ones, the Apostolic blessing"

See a video of the above event HERE


Cardinal Telesphore P. Toppo

Archbishop of Ranchi

Cardinal Toppo introduced Vassula when she came to speak in his Diocese back in Novermber of 2004. Below is an excerpt from his speech:
"The surprising thing is that Vassula did not have any catechetical instruction, leave alone theological training what so-ever and yet her charismatic teaching seems to be in conformity to Scripture, Tradition and the writings of Scholars and Saints... "


  Arcbishop Vincent Concessao, Arcbishop of New Delhi

Vassula spoke at St. Columbas School Ground in New Delhi in 2006. When she was finished, Archbishop Concessao, who was present during the talk, also spoke. The following is an excerpt from his comments.

"All that we have heard is what is written in the Bible, but this is in a very personal way and shows that the Lord continues to speak. He is wonderful in His ways - He is a God of surprises and we do not know who He will use to communicate His messages. There was a time when Vassula did not practice - the Church meant nothing to her. This is a tremendous source of hope for all of us. The Lord is concerned about us and accompanies us on our pilgrimage here on earth. She emphasized the place of love in our lives and the Lord’s desire that we are all united, and to be disunited is in itself a state of sin. In a few days we will be celebrating the Christian Unity octave. The theme is "Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am among them". The gathering is taking place. There was a time when we were enemies to one another. There is a long way to go because Jesus prayed "may they be one" - that is the unity that the Father wants among us and, as Vassula said, "This unity of peace does not imply more expenditure - she managed to come with one ticket!! This is the kind of unity the Lord wants and I request all of you to pray for Christian unity. We do not know the way the Lord wants us to unite but the goal is clear - He wants one Church, one Shepherd.
Vassula, thank you. God bless you and your ministry."

Cardinal Napier

His Eminence, Wildrid Cardinal Napier of the the Archdiocese of Durban, South Africa

This is the message from His Eminence, Wildrid Cardinal Napier concerning Vassula Ryden, who visited Durban recently and presented a talk to many of the faithful at the City Hall. The message of the Cardinal was printed in the Catholic News Bulletin of the Archdiocese of Durban, June 2009, No.464. This is the official communication disseminated to the Parishes and Religious Communities in the Archdiocese of Durban.

"The Latest on Vassula Ryden"

In May Vassula Ryden visited our country including Durban where she spoke to a number of groups of the Faithful. Because some of the following questions were being asked about her - whether her "revelations" are regarded as genuine, whether she is orthodox in her writings and what her standing is vis a vis the Catholic Church as well as the Church of her birth, the Greek Orthodox, I invited her to the Chancery for a conversation over lunch. Our conversation made it clear that her calling, to be a mouth-piece whom Jesus Christ is using, took place in extraordinary circumstances. But what is even more challenging is her relationship with the Catholic Church. In 1995 the Holy See made it known that it had serious doubts about the authenticity or genuineness of the revelations published by Vassula. These doubts were expressed in a Notification on the writings of Vassula Ryden published on 25th October 1995.
In a letter dated 16th July 2004 Cardinal Ratzinger, then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, explains that in response to a request by Vassula the Congregation had made a thorough investigation. At the conclusion of the dialogue that followed, in a letter published on 4th April, Mrs Ryden supplied useful clarifications regarding her marital status, as well as difficulties raised by the Holy See in the aforementioned Notification regarding her writings and her participation in the Sacraments.
Attached to Cardinal Ratzinger’s letter were the answers to all the questions put to her by the Congregation. He went on to state that Vassula had answered satisfactorily the questions which the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had put to her.
Sadly the matter has been confused anew by Cardinal Levada’s 2007 statement, which reaffirms the 1995 notification, but totally ignores the 2004 statement.
It was therefore with keen interest that I awaited the opportunity to engage her in conversation. What struck me from the start, and what remains a lasting impression, is her total openness, especially when asked to explain what happened to her, or why it should have happened to her at all. She is just as puzzled why she should have been chosen since she had completely lapsed from the practice of her Greek Orthodox faith.
Another matter of interest is her relationship with the Holy See. She enjoys cordial relations with many of the top officials at the Vatican, who are anything but negative towards her.
It is therefore reasonable to state categorically that as far as the Church is concerned Vassula poses no threat to the Catholic Faith whatsoever. Indeed the messages which are communicated through her are consistent with the Church’s own call to repentance and a return to the basics of the faith, in particular the basic prayers such as the Rosary and other devotions once so common in the Catholic family and parish spiritual life.
As is customary in such cases, the Church has not declared the "Revelations" to be authentic, as they are claimed to be still occurring - a situation very similar to Medjugorje."


Cardinal Sfeir
His Eminence Cardinal Mar Nasrallah Peter Sfeir, the Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and all the East addrsses TLIG Pilgrims
Cardinal Sfeir welcomes Vassula and TLIG Pilgrims, May 2005 (Click to enlarge)
We welcome you to Lebanon. The ecumenical movement is dear to the Universal Church, and you know that the Catholic Church has tried its best to achieve unity among Christians. The Catholic Church has a special commission headed by a Cardinal, and this Cardinal is striving to contact all factions of the Christian faith to seek the path of unity. You know well that the Maronite Church is a Catholic Church and has no equivalence in Orthodoxy. Since it's birth (the Maronite Church) was, and will stay, with God’s blessing as it is. The Maronites are scattered all over the world, especially in the Western World.
I believe that some of you have met Maronites in various countries, whether in Brazil, Australia, Canada, the United States or Venezuela. We are longing like you for this unity wanted by our Lord Jesus Christ when he said, "be one as I and You my Father are one". We know that Mrs. Vassula has come before to Lebanon and is seeking to achieve this unity. We know as well that she has presented her doctrine and thoughts to the Apostolic Chair who published some writings concerning this subject. We intend that our faith be one in Jesus Christ who is our Redeemer and Saviour. If there were disagreements that happened throughout history for whatever reasons and purposes, We ask God to forgive us all our offenses and to bring us back to unity. This unity is our testimony to those who do not believe in Christ, as any divisions among us cannot generate belief, which is exactly what Our Lord Jesus Christ already pointed out. We pray with you for the sake of this unity, may God fulfill it in the image and date he deems appropriate.
I ask God to open up the right paths for you and for us, so that we gain His approval, and so that we’re able to testify to the world a testimony of unity and not of divisions, as the world now is in dire need of this unity, especially that of the Christians. Thank you for coming to Lebanon. Lebanon is the land where Christians of all factions have gathered, and as you must know, there’s a total of 18 denominations. Yes, these denominations consist of 6 Catholic ones, 5 Orthodox ones, the rest being Muslim ones, as they also vary. As you know, Muslims are divided into Sunnite, Shiite, Druze and so forth. That is why Lebanon is considered the melting pot for all people. They know that they have to live with one another in mutual understanding, faith, and love, assisting each other with sincerity. We ask God to be with you, may He bless you and assist you in this endeavor toward the accomplishment of this Unity. Thank you.


The Rt. Rev. Riah Abu El-Assal, Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem
Bishop Riah came to London in Septemeber 2005 to accompany Vassula during her evangelisation meeting. This testimony is in reference to that.
The event in London was most encouraging. Vassula’s Testimony, the gracious way of sharing her life and experience with God and with the Lord Jesus Christ, was most inspiring. I continue to believe that the age of seeing visions is not over. Jesus in His Beatitudes did say that the pure in heart will see God. And as long as people have a pure heart, and a pure mind, God will open their eyes and they will see Him face to face - not as someone up there in heaven, but active in our midst, in our world. This is what True Life in God endeavors to present. I pray God’s blessing upon all who are committed to the cause of life which is Christ’s major concern for the human race. May God continue to bless Vassula and use her and her testimony to bring hope and promote the Gospel of Christ.

The Rev'd Canon Dr Gavin Ashenden (LL.B. B.A., M.Th, D.Phil)

Senior Chaplain and Lecturer in the Psychology of Religion at the University of Sussex
Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Chichester,
Diocesan Advisor on New Age Religions,
Member of the General Synod of the Church of England.

A Personal Reflection from the True Life in God Ecumenical Pilgrimage 2007

Any pilgrimage takes place at several levels all at once; places, prayer, purgation and people, and so it was with this one.


Perhaps this is the most immediately accessible aspect of a pilgrimage. One visits places that were important in the history and experience of the Church and the wider pilgrimage through time and space. Everyone's reflections on these will be different, but for each of us one or two of these places will have a special impact. It was captivating to see the tombs in Cappadocia, where Christians hid in times of trouble. The landscape was like nothing I have ever seen before.
But what struck me most was the house of Mary in Ephesus. A number of people talked about the effect of this place. I did not know what I was looking for, although one of the ways in which the True Life in God messages have changed me is to open my eyes to the importance of Mary, our Lord's Mother. To go on pilgrimage is to know that one's views are going to evolve, be clarified and sometimes completely change. I had always known, as an Anglican, that She was important theologically. I had always treasured Her title of Theotokos. But it was other priests and people who talked about their closeness to Her rather than me. I was a little bemused by this, and thought that perhaps it was just part of the psychological profile; a way of interacting with the feminine perhaps.
Then I found in the messages how vivid, alive, important and involved St Mary was. And I realised that it should no longer be a matter of personal preference, but should become something much stronger in my prayers and my relationship with the Lord. Her house and the place it was set added strongly to this developing awareness. There was a particular strength of colour in the place. The air was a little more luminescent, it seemed to me. The grass had a lusciousness that was out of the ordinary. It was fertile and rich and deep and vibrant. The Eucharist was particularly joyful. This was not a matter of group dynamics; it was entering into a deeper place in God, in a way that is simply given. That place gave it; which of course means our Lady gave it. The place does not provide exclusive closeness to our Lord and His Mother, but it shows to what depths we are being called. And perhaps by our prayers and attention, we ourselves can allow Her and our Lord to make the places we are set in wider and more luxuriant gateways into the Kingdom. Read more : http://www.tlig.org/en/testimonies/churchpos/gavin/

Archbishop David Sahagian

Dear Ms Ryden,
It is an occasion of great pleasure and personal satisfaction for us to recognize in you a new catalyst of spiritual rejuvenation who can talk to our present generation in a most persuasive language, through the books you are publishing. Your inspired mission of bringing the message of Christ to others is a source of profound joy to the Church. And your indefatigable zeal of drawing strength from and seeking regeneration and reinforcement in your Greek roots, should set an enviable example of dedicated fidelity, to our tortured youth.
In our days, at time when crass materialism has taken such a deep root in the hearts of men, it is refreshing to know that all is not lost, that there still are among us people like yourself who are in communion with the Creator, and able to transmit to us the benefit of your inspiration.
We take pride in encouraging your ecumenical mission and pray for your success.
We look forward to reading your next book. Meanwhile, we send you our blessings from the Holy City of God and ask the Lord to keep you and guard you.
Archbishop David Sahagian 
Chancellor & Grand Sacristan


Archbishop Frane Franic

Archbishop Emeritus of Split and Makarsk and former President of the Episcopal Theological Commission, Yugoslavia Split, Yugoslavia

The following introduction by Archbishop Franic was first published in 1993:

The Purity of the Integral Revelation of God

When I received two books written by the visionary Vassula Ryden, and translated into Croatian by Mrs. Marija-Dragica Vukic, I was pleasantly surprised, all the more because the translation was made from English in Belgrade, where Mrs. Vukic lives. She asked me to write a preface for the third book which will appear in Croatian. There are already five volumes in English entitled True Life in God written by Vassula Ryden. It is a great pleasure for me to write this preface.
The first news I heard about Vassula was two years ago, in 1991, in a Canadian Catholic review, L'Informateur Catholique. A great deal of that particular issue was devoted to Vassula. Thereafter, the review published information about her regularly. A good Catholic lady living in Canada, who is very interested in Medjugorje, a leader of frequent pilgrimages, directed strong criticism against Vassula, alleging that there were false theories in the messages which she is transmitting: for example, that Jesus calls Himself "Eternal Father" of men, as if He identifies Himself in every respect with the Father, thus denying the distinction between the Father and the Son.
This devoted admirer of Our Lady is not happy either with the manner in which Jesus transmits His messages through Vassula's hand; she thinks of this in terms of spiritualistic transmission of messages.
This critic of Vassula, about whom I read in the review I have mentioned, was Mrs. Darija Klanac, nee Skunca. I had the honor to meet her on her way as a pilgrimage leader from Canada to Medjugorje . She visited me in Split, in St. Peter's Co-Cathedral, where I have lived since 1983. I spoke in French to the pilgrims about the Medjugorje messages of peace. Mrs. Klanac also talked with great zeal about Our Lady. I was very happy that Mrs. Klanac, one of our Croatians married in Canada, had such a high reputation among the Catholics of that country. Later on, when she had difficulties with the review I have mentioned because they supported Vassula, I noticed with what respect they wrote of her personality, that is, the experts working for them. This pleased me.  

Fr Ion Bria, Professor of Orthodox Theology

A former Director of the Unit 1 Unity of Renewal of the World Council of Churches, Geneva, discusses the book, "Fire of Love", a collection of extracts from "True Life in God" which speak of the Holy Spirit.

Within the fellowship of God's people, commitment to Christ constitutes the foundation and core of the life and ministry of all believers, priests, teachers and bishops. Some are called to a discipleship in which their personal identity and faithfulness to Christ is of paramount significance, or to a distinctive calling which may represent an intensification of a close familiarity with the Risen Christ. Out of this intimate proximity and abundant dialogue, the faithful disciple is committed, under a solemn vow, to echo this unique joy. He/she is not sent to disclose a new revelation, but to re-tell and re-write anew what has been already revealed and manifested; "I find it necessary to write and to appeal to you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints"(Jude 3).
Fire of Love is a story written by a reminder of The Reminder. At this stage of history and in this particular place and situation, the reminder's name is Vassula. Her analysis is realistic. Facing the present human unbelief, disobedience to the church, false prophecy, all speaking "the language of the world", there is no time for complacency and lack of discipline. Christ wants a disciplined community with disciplined faithfulness to God. Where there is faith, God works through the feeble and the powerless, but where there is no repentance and faith, the weakness is weakness. There is an urgency of time, for the intruders and "traders" of Christ are increasing the ignorance of God, perverting and undermining the grace of God, and rejecting our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ (Jude 4). By saying: Christ is risen, one goes beyond denouncing this world. One becomes a witness to the new world which will not pass. This introduction is not meant to canonize the content and method of Vassula's Spiritual Conversations, nor to judge her as a skilful writer in various styles: doxological, sentimental, poetical, penitential. Rather it is to see how the two arms of God, the Son and the Spirit, (St Irenaeus about 130-2) take a disciple and do mighty works through her.
Jesus Christ taught us the Word of God, being Himself the living Logos of God. When the Jews reproached Jesus for not himself having been taught, He answered: "My teaching is not from Myself: it comes from the One who sent Me; and if anyone is prepared to do His Will, he will know whether My teaching is from God" (John 7:16). Jesus insisted on the content of love: "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word.... Those who do not love Me, do not keep My words. And My word is not My own: it is the word of the One who sent Me" (John 14:23-24). And the Good News has a certain objectivity. He refers to "My commandments", to what is written in the Book of Psalms (Luke 20:42), in the Law of Moses, in the Prophets (Luke 24:44). Jesus did not remain in the desert, but explained the passages from the Scriptures in the Temple, and in encounters on the road (Luke 24:27-32). It is precisely by His teaching that He created a circle of disciples: "Because He taught them with authority, and not like the scribes" (Matt 7:29). All His life and ministry are in "conformity" with the oikonomia of the God of Salvation. He was absorbed by His Father's affairs, (Luke 2:49). He went about the Holy Land but finally He turned back to Jerusalem, where His Crucifixion became His glorification. Read more : http://www.tlig.org/en/testimonies/churchpos/frionbria/

Bishop Anil Joseph Thomas Couto

Bishop of Delhi, India addresses TLIG Pilgrims in May 2005

(...) St. Catherine of Sienna and all the other great Saints once who have made a big mark in History I don’t have to tell you about that. And who challenged and who convinced the Pope’s and so on to come back to the Gospel way of life.
I must confess that I was not too much into this at the beginning. I had an experience of Vassula in Delhi in 1990 before I became Bishop. I had just returned from Rome after my Ecumenical studies. We had a very nice meeting with all the Pastors and so on. But at that time I did not take it so seriously I said there are many people like this in the world today and so on. But as I began to read her writings her messages and so on I said she is true she is real and a way to Unity as I was reading yesterday there is nothing else but Repentance, Humility, Love and to understand and except one another at the level of the heart and I can watch for it.
It has been happening during the last 4 days for the first time in my life and I am sure that is the experience for so many of us. For the first time in our life we have been experiencing the Eucharist together. The Orthodox, the Catholics, the Anglicans, and so on. Of course, we were saying the other Protestant groups are not there and how if they were there, they would have also taken the Holy Eucharist. We could think of getting them into the next Pilgrimage, focusing on the Word of God. And seeing how the Word of God, how our own experience, the faith in Jesus Christ, our Christian experience of discipleship, and so on can unite all of us together and then it would lead them to the Holy Eucharist and to the whole tradition of the Catholic tradition which we all share not just Roman Catholic. But, the Catholic tradition, of the Church that we all share. To lead them to the whole understanding of what the Church is .The whole tradition of the Church.
So, that can be our plan for the next Pilgrimage. To gather to get others who do not believe in the Eucharist as the center of Unity. But certainly the word of God, as the center of Unity. I’m sure for all of us; the Word of God is the foundation. We realized this in Delhi when our Holy Father Pope John Paul II died and we had an Ecumenical prayer service. We gathered so many of them together and all of them spoke so beautifully on death and resurrection the whole faith that we all share. So we said, we may not be able to unite at the Eucharistic table but certainly we can unite at the table of the word of God. Therefore, we can bring in the Protestants together and that will be a chance also for us to share the faith that we all have in common and finally to bring them to the Unity of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
So, thank you very much Vassula. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

Archbishop Jeremiah /FERENS/

Archbishop of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in South America
